Practice | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Cricket Coaching Case Study: How Eight Players Improved in the Off Season

Over the last 10 weeks, eight cricketers have been conducting an experiment in improving their cricket. Today, I want to give you the results of that hard work.

This is both a story and an evidence-based piece of research. There are lessons to be learned about every aspect of cricket coaching; how to improve, how long it takes to see changes, how to manage unexpected situations, dealing with people and dealing with your own mental game. There's a tale here for you that has taken well over 30 hours to construct.

Quick Tip: Have A Net Without A Net

Nets are great, but I am constantly searching for better ways to practice batting. Here's an idea to get you out of nets without needing full middle practice.

Pop up nets.

What's Your Goal: A Four Step Plan to Rapidly Improve Your Cricket Skills

Today I am going to put my money where my mouth is. But I need your help too. This is a cricket skills case study about me: I'm going to report back to you on a goal so you can see how these methods work and take the ideas into your game. I'd love you to come along for the journey too.

Read on to join in.

Graphic: Balancing Batting Tradition with Creative Shots

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If you ever wonder how much you should practice traditional shots and creative new shots, answer the four questions in this graphic and get your answer (with thanks to Sam Lavery for the information).

Batting Drill: Clearer Decision Making Against Spin

I ran a batting session the other day. We focused on how to use multiple shot options against spinners.

We had a net and a bucket of cricket balls. We also used cones for marking areas or fielders and a whiteboard for scoring progress. Tom was the batter. Garas was the coach!

Look the Part: How Your Image Makes You a Better Cricketer

Here's an inconvenient truth: Your image is important to your cricket.

Naturally, results always come first. It doesn't matter what you look like if you are scoring hundreds then bowling out the opposition top six before catching the rest at slip. But if want a chance, you absolutely have to "look and act the part".

Video: Better Throwdowns at Nets by Moving the PitchVision Sensors

Here's how to change to position of the PitchVision crease sensor for throwdowns, so you can track batting technique with the built-in video analysis tools. It's much easier than sifting through 45 minutes of tape with no tracking, I can tell you.

How to Become a High-Class Spin Bowler: A Complete Masterplan

What goes into becoming an excellent spinner? It's a question raised recently by this article looking at what England need to do to improve their spin stock. What can you learn from these ideas to take into your spin bowling?

Become Fielding CEO and Watch Your "Stock Price" Rise

When I was Head Coach of Somerset, my main intention was to develop a fielding unit that would smash all others out of the park.

We worked significantly on our positioning, our specificity with specialist deep fielders, "box men " and slips. We ensured that everyone could high catch and dive in an effective fashion. We focussed on our high traffic area fielders being excellent stump hitters.

Are You Hurting Your Cricket by Trying to Improve?

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Like millions of aspiring school and club cricketers, Bhuvneshwar Kumar wants to bowl faster. Sanjay Mankrekar thinks he shouldn't get ideas above his ability. So, is it true that in trying to improve your cricket, you can end up losing your strengths?