Technique | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Is it Worth Learning These New Fangled Shots?

One of the common tropes of modern cricket is that batsmen have a wider range of shots than ever. While it may be a cliche for commentators to throw out when they have nothing to say, it's also true.

So do you need to learn them; or if you coach do you need to spend time coaching them?

Lets look at each new shot in turn and decide.

The Slip Fielding Science Lab: Experiment to Get Better Catching

I want you to look at a couple of pictures.

The first is Dennis Lillee in his pomp. 9 slip fielders in a range of 'ready positions'. Some are crouched low and others more upright, ready for the edge.

The second is 4 slip fielders all in similar ready positions: Lots of knee flexion and hands low in a keeper-like position.

Spin Bowling Tips: How to Bowl a Wrist Doosra

Menno Gazendam is author of Spin Bowling Project. Get your free 8 week spin bowling course here

In part one we examined the role of the doosra and how to bowl the finger doosra. This article looks at the other way to bowl "the other one"

Variation 2 is the wrist variation that was pioneered by Murali and has been used to great effect by Saeed Ajmal. The ball is bowled over the wrist.

You need to get your thumb completely out of the way to make space for the ball to go over the hand. Getting the thumb out of the way also helps opening the hand and helps with the whiplash action of the wrist.

The "New England" Method to Pull Off Blinding Catches

We all know that catches win matches, yet there is one type of catching opportunity that is being taken in the upper echelons of the game that isn't transferred down the playing levels.

It's when a player dives forward to take a blinder.

Spin Bowling Tips: How to Bowl a Doosra

Menno Gazendam is author of Spin Bowling Project. Get your free 8 week spin bowling course here

The Doosra is a ball with a longer tradition than you may think.

An Australian bowler called Jack Potter was bowling these bad boys roughly 30 years before Saqlain Mushtaq even came on the scene. Jack never did play for Australia, but he does hold the record for being 12th man the most for Australia without ever winning the cap.

But I digress. The fact is that the doosra has a long tradition.

The elephant in the room about this ball is a simple question though

The New Science of Playing Straight

This is an article from Gary Palmer, PitchVision Academy batting coach.

Look at some of the best players in the world.

The guys who hit well down the ground and make playing straight look easy. The batters who are in control and effective when the ball is turning or swinging. The players who keep hitting the ball out of the middle of the bat consistently; they have a good technique.

Pietersen's Chin, Ronaldo's Feet and the Wide Stance 8 Year Old

You are the coach. What do you do?

An 8 year old walks into a junior session for the first time and gets into a batting stance with his feet wide apart and his knees flexed.

There is a temptation to adjust the stance into a more conventional narrower stance as seen in MCC manuals from years gone by.

But is that right?

High Impact Technical Batting Coaching

Gary Palmer is bucking the trend in batting coaching. His coaching combines classical techniques with innovative methods.

It's a delicate balance, but Gary walks the tightrope efficiently between the old and the new, picking the best from both and coming up with ideas like The Great Batting Hoax and 4 Angles.

So what is Gary Palmer; an old school coach who believes one size fits all, or an innovator who is constantly researching new ways to help batters improve?

Gary has come up with a presentation that helps you learn the truth.

The OAT Method: How to End Frustrating Net Sessions

The boy was about 17 years old. He loved playing cricket but knew he wasn't a natural with the bat.

But he had some grit. He wanted to improve.

Even better, there were plenty of people around willing to help with technical advice. So he walked down the net declaring,

"If you see me do anything wrong, let me know."

He did a lot wrong.

Like I said, he was keener than he was a natural ball striker. As instructed, the bowlers all gave their advice to him.

Buy Michael Bevan's Exclusive Finisher Coaching Courses on PitchVision Academy

I'm delighted to announce that Michael Bevan's online coaching courses Finisher are now open, exclusively on PitchVision Academy.

As you know, a few weeks ago we announced the "Finisher" was revealing his methods in his first ever online coaching courses. And since then it’s been a feast of Bevan action on the site as a preview to the main event.

Now the wait is over, Finisher courses are available to purchase on PitchVision Academy.

Click here to enrol on the online coaching course.

Get them while they are hot.