Fitness | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Cricket fitness for older players

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Cricket is a great game because you can continue to play it long after you have had to give up other sports. International players can go on well into their 30s (or 40s) and many club players are still turning out in their 60s.

The older you get the harder it can be to maintain your own high standards and the more you need strategies and tips to keep playing at your best.

How muscular can cricketers be?

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Players often tell me that they don't want to 'bulk up' or become so muscular they can no longer bat or bowl efficiently.

Frankly, I think that's a bit of an excuse not to train. At the very least it's a fear you can put aside.

It's widely recognised that bowlers have to be strong and powerful to prevent injury and improve their performance. Top players train regularly in the gym to develop this.

Why good cricketers care about ‘work capacity’

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Cricket is one of the longest lasting sports, yet the skills are all explosive: Bowling, throwing, running between the wickets and the like. In between these bursts you are generally standing still or walking and recovering.

10 common cricket training mistakes

You can separate cricketers into two groups: Those who train and those who don't. Both groups make some common mistakes.

Ideally, I would love to see everyone training in some way or another. But even the die-hard non-practicers, can do some simple things to improve their game.

It's all about knowing what to avoid.

Better batting is all in the hips

If you have ever seen TV coverage of top class cricket you know how good the super slow motion cameras are for seeing the grace and power of a great shot.

How to get cricket specific in the gym

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If you have ever been to a gym to improve your cricket fitness you have probably been frustrated by the lack of cricket specific knowledge the instructors have.

Fortunately, designing your own workout is not as hard as it seems.

While I would always recommend you work with a personal trainer who understands your own individual needs, its not always realistic. So instead you can adapt this excellent strength training program.

The perfect cricket fitness workout

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There are a million ways to get fit for cricket and improve your game so the perfect workout for you will be totally different from the next person. What do you need to consider when deciding how to get fit for cricket?

The cricketing benefits of swimming

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Used properly, swimming can be a powerful tool in your cricket training armoury. As we discussed yesterday, there are times when even the hardest training players need to rest. It's vital for recovery and success.

On days like this, activities like swimming are the perfect way to rest and stay active.

How resting can improve your cricket

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It might seem odd, but one of the most important factors in your cricket performance is the amount of rest you get.

If you get too much rest your body responds by putting on weight, losing strength and making your skills rusty. Meanwhile too little rest leads to overtraining and an equal drop. It's a delicate balance to get right but one that is vital if you want to improve your game.

The rules of resting